Black history is a missing page in the the school books. As a person of black heritage I started this project to dive deeper in my own background and aim to reconnect forgotten narratives and characters that highly contributed to the human adventure. With more awareness, more knowledge, we can change how this whole block of humanity is perceived and even still sometimes perceive itself. Prejudice happen because of ignorance.
Black history is a missing page in the the school books. As a person of black heritage I started this project to dive deeper in my own background and aim to reconnect forgotten narratives and characters that highly contributed to the human adventure. With more awareness, more knowledge, we can change how this whole block of humanity is perceived and even still sometimes perceive itself. Prejudice happen because of ignorance.
Yanga ( 1545 - ? )
Known as the founder of the first free black city in america, San Lorenzo de los Negros.
Presumably from royal lineage of Gabon, he was brought as a slave in mexico by spanish colonists. In 1570 he fled with former slaves in the region of cordoba, and remained in the newly self sufficient founded town for nearly 40 years, challenging the local forces and even defeating strong military attacks starting in 1609 by spanish army. A peace treat was signed that recognized the sovereignty of the city and its inhabitants, leading to the foundation of the city known as San Lorenzo de los Negros. He is celebrated in Mexico as " el primer libertador de america".
Queen Nanny ( c. 1686 - c. 1755 )
Born in nowaday Ghana, from Ashanti people, she was the leader of the Windwards Maroons. Some sources alleged she was never enslaved.The windward maroons, wich the core was represented mainly by former slaves brought by the spanish in jamaica before the british ownership, lived for a while in a place called Nanny town, that was self suficient and trading goods in the areas.
Several attempts from the british army to remove them were proved unnefective. The community was responsible for raids, burning plantations, initiated the tradition of guerilla warfare tactics in jamaica before Tacky's war, and liberation of hundred of slaves due to Nanny's tactical genious.She was master of the obeah, a magical practice originating from africa.
According to oral tradition, she could make people invincible, and even catch bullets with her hands. This practice instigated fear in the britsh ranks, confronting fearless warriors, and especially fearing the mastery of poison making.
The british suffering from heavy losses and their unnability to face the guerilla warfare granted the maroons a consequent land in 1740 after a treaty was signed. This town is known today as Moore town.She is celebrated as a national hero in jamaica, and appear on the 500 $ bill.